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Office Hours

The Fire and the Light classes encourage participants to utilize Office Hours for any questions regarding course materials. Free 15 minute consultation is available for clients interested in Services such as Acupuncture, Herbs, or Reiki.


To register for an Office Hours session:

  1. Click link and sign in or create account

  2. Select the "Book an appointment at Aurora Healing Arts - Greenbelt"

  3. Click any of my photos (Book By Practitioner)

  4. On left, all the services are listed in turquoise, choses Aurora Office Hours

  5. Choose the week you want ("Next 7 Days" button is at top right to scroll)

  6. Click Thursday at 7 p.m. on calendar and "I'm Done."

  7. Scheduling an appointment will automatically send you a video chat link which activates during your Office Hours session

  8. You must schedule in order to receive a video link

The Fire and the Light Q&A on YouTube

Q and A

Everyone is invited to ask questions about holistic health, wellness and lifestyles. You will receive an answer on the weekly The Fire and the Light Youtube channel. The 5-element wholistic perspective may supply an interesting perspective that provides a key to your solving an issue. All questions are screened for relevance and appropriateness of topic. Let’s ask Mother Nature…


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